Thursday, April 18, 2013

Journeys Through the Scripture with some Sisters in Christ...

Since the start of the school year I have been participating in a wonderful group bible study with the Women's Ministry of Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church.

We have been journeying through the often confusing book of Deuteronomy through the study book  More Grace, More Love: Living in Covenant with God by George Robertson, with Mary Beth McGreevy.  Talk about an intense book!  The authors of our study, all the speakers in the women's ministry, and our amazing small group leader have all helped crack open the depth of Old Testament Law for us and have made Salvation History make sense. 

Every week I have plucked along with them with my little Kindle edition ESV, or when I'm at home my New Jerusalem Bible. We worked through the study questions together weekly, and discussed our answers as a group when we met.  Some weeks I was on fire for the lesson and to get into the Word.  Other weeks I putzed through the lesson and wanted to skip it, but knew that keeping the routine was good for me.  Some weeks I had to look up the Catholic response to some Protestant theological idea, but most weeks I was keenly aware of our strong joint understanding of the same redemptive drama (We use mostly the same bible, after all).  This was a lesson in perseverance too, it seems.

What's a good Catholic girl like me doing in a Protestant bible study anyway?

I have always had an ecumenical heart....otherwise I never would have married a good Lutheran boy!  I have always struggled in finding good Catholic Bible Studies, even though I have found other ways to live out my Catholic faith in my own parish.  Also, us Catholics tend not to know our Bibles as we should, considering it IS one of the pillars of our faith (the other being Tradition).  I have often admired just how well Protestants are able to memorize and quote bible verses with seemingly no effort.  There is something to be learned here.....  Besides, how much better would my own witness become if I could give a biblical reasoning behind what I believe?

It's a funny story how I wound up there, actually.  My often-Baptist-leaning Lutheran sister-in-law invited me last spring when I was struggling with depression and needed to fill a routine-type void when my day-treatment program was coming to an end.  Her and her Aunt had been a part of this community for years, as the resident Lutherans in a group of wonderful ladies whom I have come to know. I jumped at the chance, with clear knowledge that if I was to develop a healthy relationship with my sister-in-law it was going to be through God and his Grace. This was a means to develop deeper relationships with this family I married into.  And what harm is a bible study anyway, especially for a Catholic who tends not to read the bible as much as I ought?  Turns out the relationship roots grew deeper than I had imagined, as my husband's grandmother used to babysit for our small group leader long ago.  It was almost as if family was waiting for me before I even entered the door..... talk about the relational nature of Christ and his church, no?  And they welcomed me in, despite me being the Papist that I am.  Today I have been cultivating my relationship with these ladies, many of them of a generation who can teach me quite a bit as a younger woman.

I feel so blessed to have been spending my Tuesday mornings with such wonderful women of wisdom, and have been realizing just how much I am going to miss them when the semester comes to a close.  It was luck, God, serendipity.... that my schedule was such that I could join them.  I fully acknowledge that I might not be so lucky in the autumn either, especially as I continue on my search for a full time job in my field. 

As the end draws near I have been meditating on how to continue the healthy bible study habit.  I am the kind of person who needs a structured pre-prepared study to crack open the meaning behind the Scriptures.  I tend to fall away from the habit of reading them if I'm reading them free-form.  For this reason I often will just read the Gospel reading from the Daily Office, but the challenge of a long term in-depth study such as the one I am about to finish makes me feel more fulfilled in my understanding of Christ.

I've been looking at Edward Sri's A Biblical Walk Through of the Mass: Understanding What We say and Do in the Liturgy as one possibility.  I was also looking at Stacey Mitch's Courageous Love: A Bible Study on Holiness for Women.  Both looked promising.  Would any of you have any suggestions? 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Meditation on just one evil of mankind...

I cannot remain silent about the Gosnell trial, happening as I type this.

I usually try to remain silent on my own social media outlets because of the diversity of viewpoints I have on places like my facebook feed or twitter.  On one hand I choose to listen to what they have to say, and on the other hand I am afraid that they will see me as nothing more than some conservative nutjob and fail to see me for me...someone with varied opinions about a variety of topics, and who doesn't follow a party line.  However I felt about the topic of abortion years ago, my heart has been changed toward the topic over time. My heart has changed because of first hand stories I have heard and what I have experienced, although the stories of others belong to the people who have lived them--they are not mine to tell.

I used to be pro-choice.

I used to make the argument that many around me still do today: While I myself would never choose abortion for my own child, I would never make the act illegal so that it can remain safe for those who do choose it.

So in other words, I chose ignorance of evil and silent acceptance.

Yes, I said evil.

I guess it all goes back to the debate of when life begins.  Does it begin with birth? Does it begin at conception?  Or does it begin somewhere in between?  Oh....and how valuable is life anyway?  Is this creature in the womb even a person?

The reason that many pro-life advocates choose to show violent images of aborted fetuses is to try to shock the viewer into accepting their opinion as the right one.  I don't know if this is the answer.  I also don't know if legislation is the answer at this time, but I do know that honesty, integrity in the face of the suffering, education about options and gentle persuasion are.  Until the hearts and minds of a nation can be persuaded into choosing life, legislation might be doing little more than continuing to divide us as a people and nation.  It is for this reason that my heart goes out to those who support the adoption industry or drive the ThriVe vans, who provide prayer and emergency counseling at a grassroots level.  Division as it is today has caused more polarization of values in this country, and violence as a result, which is also wrong.  We need to pray that all hearts and minds see the evil of abortion and to be united in this....otherwise this fight will just go on and on and on, and back and forth and back again.

I do not think it is right to kill another human being just because a mistake was made.
We cannot cure sin with more sin.

BUT.  We live in a secular world, a world which more and more lacks morality and fails to see God's love for us.  We live in a nation severely divided against itself, where no one can agree whether it is black and white, or shades of gray.  It is complicated.

Women who have made this very tough decision need our forgiveness and our prayers.

I think that regardless of how you feel about abortion, we can all agree that the nature of Kermit Gosnell's work is absolutely deplorable and evil on so many levels.  What he did was to induce labor and kill the born....he didn't just kill the unborn.  That's just a small part of his crimes against women.  Feel free to research it for yourself here, here and especially here.  Was his work common practice in the abortion industry or simply the work of a depraved man?  There is quite a debate in that question alone.  I have heard both answers from multiple sides.  I'm saddened that this story isn't making the media as en force as a guy who hurts dogs....which is also deplorable, but aren't people a little more important?  People.....US....Those who cannot speak for themselves....such AS the UNBORN.

Book Review: History of the Catholic Church

Much my own spiritual journey happens through the books I read.  Right now I am reading about the ancient journey of others and simultaneously church.

I am ever so slowly plucking my way through James Hitchcock's  History of the Catholic Church.  It's a big one guys!  Because I'm reading it on my kindle I didn't realize just how thick this text was until I saw it during a visit to my local Catholic Supply where it was on the shelf with other new titles.  There it was: hard cover, and quit hefty! I'm already considering it as a Christmas gift for my father....the print version that is.  Tis not for the feint of heart or the impatient reader.

Hitchcock has attempted a difficult undertaking: telling our rich story as a church from the time of Christ until today.  He is covering everything from wars, changes in liturgy, major theological thinkers, each and every heresy which threatened her existence; and all of it is interwoven with European social history.  I just finished reading about the Crusades and the separation of the East and West.  Because of the broad scope of this project (Over 2,000 years), Hitchcock does not go into too much detail...rather this is an introduction to many many ideas that can be a jumping point to your own research should a person wish to explore a topic more in depth.  I appreciate the way he puts many complicated ideas into the layman's terms without oversimplification or dumbing down, although the topical nature in which he covers his subjects can become a little confusing when you are reading from past to present.  Be ready for some jumps in the story telling as he back tracks to futher explain some concepts in more detail.

Overall, an interesting read, but then again, I consider myself an eternal student of History.
I'm sure I'll be referencing this one for many years to come.